MyBalikPulau (2005 - 2011)

MyBalikPulau is a heritage and culture education programme started in 2005. It targeted children aged 11 – 16 years from 5 different schools in the agricultural district of Balik Pulau. The project encouraged young residents to use photography to map and document natural and cultural environment, cultural trades, traditional knowledge and skills. This was to facilitate their understanding of how cultural assets are connected to their history and environment. The cumulative research and mapping by different batches of participants over the years enabled the project to output cultural products such as a photo exhibition of the districts assets, a map of Balik Pulau and a community newsletter. 

Read more:

MyBALIKpulau archival on the selected projects (as part of Arts Education Archive Malaysia)

About how photography was used as a tool for cultural mapping in this project
he project as an example of community-based work with art education at its core
